9th class English paper scheme 2023

Now the following is the paper scheme of 9th class English 2023. The paper pattern is also given. This scheme serves as the paper pattern for 9th class English.

Questions Chapters Marks
Q.No.1 (MCQs) (A) Choose the correct form of Verb English Grammar (Page: 163-168)=5

(B) Word with correct spellings English Book 10th =4

(C) Correct Synonyms/Antonyms English Book 10th =5

(D) Correct Option according to Grammar English Book 10th =5

Q.No.2 (Short Questions) English 9th: 5 from Exercises + 3 from Lessons (Box Qs). (5 out of 8) 5×2=10
Q.No.3 English 9th: Translate into Urdu. Attempt 2 out of 3 paragraphs 4×2=8
Q.No.4 Summary of a Poem OR Stanza of a Poem English Book 9th 5
Q.No.5 Use words/idioms in your sentences 5 out of 8 5
Q.No.6 Letter/Story/Dialogue From English Grammar 8
Q.No.7 Comprehension paragraph solved +exercise 5×2=10
Q.No.8 Tenses: Translate into English From English grammar solved 5
Q.No.9 Change of voice: English Grammar page 169-170 5

9th class paper English pattern and scheme 2023

9th class paper English pattern and scheme 2023

Q. 1. MCQs = 19 Marks

  • Choose the correct form of verb = 5
  • Choose the word with correct spellings = 4
  • Synonyms and antonyms = 5
  • Grammar and parts of speech = 5
Note: Important grammar topics are nouns, pronouns, adverbs

Q.2. Short questions = 10 marks

  • There will be 8 short questions and students will have to answer 5 questions. These are exercise questions at the end of the lesson and in the boxes in the texts.

Q.3. Translate the paragraphs into URDU = 8 marks

  • There are 3 paragraphs from the various lessons of the book in English. The students have to translate any two paragraphs into Urdu. Every paragraph has 4 marks.

Q.4. Write a summary or explain the stanza of the poem = 5 marks

  • In this question, there is a choice for the students. Students can either write a summary of the given topic or explain with reference the given stanza of the poem

Q.5. Use the word/phrases in your sentence = 5 marks

  • There are eight words/phrases given and the students have to use any five of them in their own sentences. 1 mark for each sentence.

Q.6. Write a letter or story or dialogue in English = 8 marks

  • There is a choice in these questions, there one letter, one dialogue, and one story given. The student has to write ANY ONE thing from these three. He can write a letter or a dialogue or a story.

Q.7. Comprehension paragraph = 10 marks

  • There is a passage with questions given at the end. Students have to read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below. Each question have 2 marks.

Q.8. Translate the Urdu sentences into English = 5 marks

  • There are 8 sentences in Urdu given. The students have to translate ANY 5 of them into English. These sentences come from the English Grammar book the board.

Q.9. Change the voice = 5 marks

  • There are 5 sentences given. The students have to change the voice of all the sentences each having 1 mark.
So, there are a total 75 marks of the English paper for the 9th class.

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